Weekly Playlist – People Have the Power

I think a lot of us, myself included, are feeling overwhelmed by the sheer demonstration of hatred that’s permeating our world as we speak. It’s heartbreaking to wake up each day and to spend the hours ahead of me reading more and more and more horrific news. It’s heartbreaking to see no end to the… Continue reading Weekly Playlist – People Have the Power

WayHome 2016: I’m Coming Home

https://www.instagram.com/p/BBX6IgpAw7e/?taken-by=hannahstagrams By now it’s common knowledge that WayHome holds a very special place in my heart. Exactly a year ago, I was one of the few who got a lifetime pass to the festival after attending a mysterious kick-off event held at The Great Hall in downtown Toronto. Since then, I’ve pretty much been tracking… Continue reading WayHome 2016: I’m Coming Home